How to make different first page header in word
How to make different first page header in word

how to make different first page header in word
  1. #How to make different first page header in word how to
  2. #How to make different first page header in word full
  3. #How to make different first page header in word windows 10

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#How to make different first page header in word windows 10

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#How to make different first page header in word how to

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#How to make different first page header in word full

Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:Įxplore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu This tutorial is for beginners who want to learn more about Microsoft Word, I hope it helps you out. You can specify which page in your Office 365 documents that you'd like to automatically place headers and footers in, and the page that displays when you insert this. This also works the other way around.This tutorial shows you how to insert page numbers from a specific page on Word 2016. Now, when you edit the header of an odd page it will apply to all odd pages but it won't affect the even pages. In the Header & Footer Tools tab, check Different Odd & Even Pages. As a familiar example, you could have the document title in the odd page header and the heading title on the even pages. You need to check only one option to have different headers on odd & even pages:

how to make different first page header in word

You probably have seen this one in different documents and even books. Once you check this option, the stuff you put in the header of the first page won't appear on other pages and conversely, if you change the header of any other page it won't affect the first page. In the Header & Footer Tools tab, in the Options section, check Different First Page.

how to make different first page header in word

So far, anything that you add to the header will appear on every other page but what if you don't want the header on your first page to appear on every page in the document? You might want to have other content in the header of other pages or anything else. This tab allows you to change options related to the header and also insert components other than plain text to it. The Header & Footer Tools tab activates whenever you're editing the header or the footer of a page.

How to make different first page header in word